000.500 Dust Control

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000-500 Dust Control #1 is a calcium chloride based hygroscopic (water attracting) dust control agent which increases the moisture content of the aggregate surface by attracting water from the atmosphere to form a crust that holds the fines into the aggregate. In addition it retards the evaporation of moisture and tightens the compacted soil, strengthening the paving surface.
000-500 Dust Control #1 accumulates with consistent application year after year as it becomes established deeper in the paving base improving stability. It is environmentally safe and economical to use. Whilst performance depends on temperature, relative humidity, and traffic, 000-500 Dust Control #1 generally lasts 6 to 12 months. Also available in 200L & 1000L size.

  • Non-hazardous.
  • Easy application.
  • Effective down to a relative humidity of 30%.
  • Made in NZ for NZ conditions.

Coverage 1-1.5 m²/L.

Apply by spray.



